Dementia Facts and Stats

Dementia Facts and Stats

WHO Dementia Facts and Stats

A public health priority

What are the symptoms?

  1. Difficulties with everyday tasks
  2. Confusion in familiar environments
  3. Difficulty with words and
  4. Memory loss
  5. Changes in mood and behaviour


Who is affected?

Nearly 10 million new cases every year

One every 3 seconds

2050: 152 million

2030: 82 million

2015: 50 million people worldwide

What is the cause?

  1. Conditions that affect the
  2. brain, such as Alzheimer’s
  3. disease, stroke or head injury


What does it cost?

US$818 billion: 2015

estimated costs to society in 2015

US$2 trillion: 2030

Majority of people who will develop dementia will be in low- and middle-income countries

Families and friends provide most of the care

Carers experience physical,

emotional and financial stress