Keep Healthy after cancer

Inspired by questions put forward to Professor Thomas after his public lectures and talks over the past five years:

  • Are supplements healthy or harmful?
  • Do the ketogenic, alkaline and paleo diets work?
  • Which carcinogens do you really need to avoid?
  • When and how much to exercise?

Keep Healthy after Cancer

. Empower yourself to make effective and relevant lifestyle choices.

This book digs deep into the scientific evidence and underlying pathways which help improve gut flora, increase the expression of healthy genes and reduce oxidative stress and chronic inflammation, all of which improve the odds of a good response to treatment and long-term remission.

It explains the practical day to day choices which can ease or help eliminate fatigue, hot flushes, weight gain, joint pains, low mood and numerous other side effects which are, unfortunately, very commonplace, while also helping mitigate the risks of chronic diseases which are common after cancer such as dementia, heart disease, stroke and diabetes.



“For my mum, this book has been fundamental in providing much-needed support; arming her with the tools to win her own personal marathon” –  Paula Radcliffe, World Champion Runner

“This book is exactly what it says it – a practical manual to help you Keep Healthy after Cancer” – Anne Dearey, Lead Cancer Nurse

“In the age of information overload, separating the myths from the facts is vital to avoid being misguided, this book has provided me and my friends with relatable guidance which will help others going through the same experience” –  Julie Woodhouse, survivor.

“Professor Thomas is to be applauded on his efforts to help patients help themselves on their road to recovery” – Dr Mike Williams, former Dean at the Royal College of Oncologists

About the author

ncri conThe main author of keep-healthy after cancer is Professor Thomas, a leading figure in lifestyle and cancer research. As well as 25 years’ experience in managing patient care, he leads an active trials unit which has designed and published countless, internationally recognised studies, and has been awarded by The British Oncology Association with “Oncologist of the year”. As both a clinical teacher at Cambridge University and professor of sport and biological science at Bedford and Coventry Universities, he is in a unique position to critically review the scientific evidence which forms the backbone for this book.

Valuable contributions have been generously provided by Dr Daniel Bailey, Sports Scientist University of Bedfordshire; Dr Karl Neff, Consultant Endocrinologist, Kings College Hospital London; Dr Rob Lawson, Chairman of British Society Lifestyle Medicine; Mary-Ann Howard, Botanist at The Royal Horticultural Society; Dr Jennifer Lenhart, Royal Hospital Integrated Medicine; Dr Catherine Woodward, Consultant Oncology, Cambridge University Hospitals; Dr Catherine Zollman, Practitioner Penny Brohn Bristol; Dr Ashwin Mehta, Integrative Oncologist California, USA; Gillian Horton, Patient Advocate, Australia; Simon McGuire, Patient advocate and mindfulness counsellor.

Foreword by Paula Radcliffe

paula 1My mum, exceptional in many ways, is, I’m sure, similar to thousands of people who have had the trauma of cancer thrust upon them. As well as wanting to make sure she had the best possible medical care and fully understand her treatment options, she had a strong desire to know the best ways to help herself.  Day to day lifestyle activities that were straight forward before her cancer suddenly had an added complexity, especially after the side effects of surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and Herceptin started to become a burden.  As a cancer expert who has worked closely with patients for many years, Professor Thomas is very aware of the concerns which many patients have, not only with conventional treatments but with dietary, exercise and lifestyle issues after cancer. I know, from my mum’s contact with him during her treatment, that he is sensitive to the fact that patients like her need to feel in control and have a strong positive desire to help themselves. As a scientist and a doctor, he has an exceptional knowledge of the important topics around lifestyle and cancer, not only from his own research but from regular scrutiny of the latest scientific literature. This book provides just what people need to empower themselves – a reliable tool based only on the best available evidence, containing relevant practical guidance sensitive to the psychological, cultural and physical needs of people with and recovering from cancer.

We, as a family, have always striven to win, most obviously in sport and careers, but now also in fighting cancer. To do this, as well as determination, effort and dedication, we needed, and continue to need, accurate advice and help. For my mum, this book has been fundamental in providing this well-needed support and arming her with the tools to win her own personal marathon.  I know she cannot thank Professor Thomas enough for his dedication, professional expertise and commitment.

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Contents of Book      


Chapter 1: Introduction
– What’s new in this edition?

 Chapter 2: Mind and body
– Fatigue and tiredness
– Poor sleep pattern
– Mood, anxiety, depression
– Chemo (treatment) brain

Chapter 3: Weight gain after cancer
Tips to loose weight
– Tips to gain strength

 Chapter 4: Abdomen and digestion
– Poor appetite, nausea and vomiting
– Heart burn
– Diarrhoea & constipation
– Mouth problems
– Bloating, flatulence and colicky pains
– Food intolerances
– Abnormal gut bacteria
– Rectal damage

Chapter 5: Heart and vascular health
– Heart dysfunction
-Heart muscle damage
– Coronary artery spasm
– Irregular heartbeats
– High bad fats and low good fat intake
– Cholesterol
– Hight blood pressure
– Thrombosis – blood clots

Chapter 6: Skin, nails and hair health
Chemotherapy damage
– Chapped lips
– Preventing nail damage
– Managing hair loss
– Chemotherapy nerves damage
– Hand-foot syndrome
– Dupuytren’s contracture
– Carpel tunnels syndrome

Chapter 7: Breast Care
– Breast tenderness
– Lymphoedema
– Finding the right bra

Chapter 8: Bone and joint health
– Loss of bone density
– Vitamin D, Milk and Vitamin K intake
– Arthritis after cancer
– The polyphenol and probiotic and exercise trial

Chapter 9: Diabetes after cancer
– Reduce blood sugar
– Benefits of polyphenol rich foods

 Chapter 10 Sexual and menopausal health
– Sexual functioning
– Incontinence and urgency
– Hot flushes Erectile dysfunction and vaginal dryness-
-Incontinence and hot flushes

Chapter 11: Exercise after cancer
– Why is exercise health
– Tips to increase exercise levels

 Chapter 12: Smoking after caner
– Why is smoking so harmful after cancer
– Tips to quit

Chapter 13: Alcohol after cancer
– The bad and good aspect of alcohol
– Tips to avoid excess intake

 Chapter 14: Complementary therapies
– Massage, reflexology and aromatherapy
– Acupuncture, homeopathy and repurposing drugs

Chapter 15: Vitamin and mineral  intake
– Dangers of deficiencies or excess

 Chapter 16:  Phytochemical intake
– What are phytochemicals and polyphenols?
– How to ensure adequate intake

Chapter 17: Immunity and chronic inflammation
– Why immunity is so important
– Dangers of chronic inflammation

 Chapter 18: Patient stories
– How lifestyle helped reduce relapse
– How lifestyle slowed progression

Chapter 19: Conclusions
– When is the best time to start acting?

 Appendix – 1: Background information
– What is Cancer?
– Why do cancers start, progress and spread?
– Initial DNA damage, Oxidative stress, DNA repair
– What genetic affect the risk of cancer?
– What environmental factors increase or reduce the risk?

 Appendix – 2: About the authors

Keep healthy after cancer is published by Health Education Publication who own full copyright.
The ISBN of the printed version is 9780955821257
The ISBN of the eversion is 97809558212
For further information email: [email protected]