Top 20 healthy lifestyle tips
- Exercise – Try to increase daily moderate levels, aiming for 3-5 hours a week. Avoid long periods of sedentary behaviour more
- Processed sugar – Aim to eliminate intake, especially on an empty stomach. Aim for a low glycaemic index diet more
- Eat more polyphenols – Maintain a high intake via healthy foods and boost this with a polyphenol supplement if necessary …read more
- Quit smoking – Try to stop immediately …tips to quit
- Carcinogenic foods – Avoid smoked foods, acrylamides in baked foods and nitrosamines in cured meats …read more
- Carcinogenic xenoestrogens – Reduce exposure to plastic, pollution and pesticides …read more
- Less alcohol – Avoid excess consumption, have days off and go for quality not quantity …tips
- Less meat – Reduce red meat consumption and consider stopping cheap processed meat intake entirely. Avoid burned, grilled or barbecued meats more
- Fats and oils – Eat a profile of good fats, while avoiding bad fats …read more
- Essential minerals – Ensure sufficient intake but avoid supplements unless you have a known deficiency …read more
- Vitamins – Ensure sufficient intake and avoid supplements unless you have a known deficiency …read more
- Sunlight & Vitamin D – Consider taking a supplement in the Winter. Try to get regular sun without burning …read more
- Dietary fibre – Increase intake especially from flaxseeds, quinoa, whole grains and wild rice …more
- Plant proteins – Increase intake off legumes, beans and pumpkin and other seeds rich in plant proteins ..healthy dishes with legumes
- Body mass – Try to maintain a healthy weight. Lose weight if obese …read more
- Overnight fasting – Aim for 13 hours between your evening meal and breakfast …more
- Nuts – Eat a handful of mixed nuts every day …healthy dishes with nuts
- Gut bacteria – Try to maintain a healthy gut with natural foods and probiotics if necessary …what are probiotics
- Sleep – Try to adopt good sleep hygiene habits which support a regular circadian rhythm …read more
- Mood – Look after your thought processes and psychological health more