The information and advice within the articles on this site whilst other articles have been written or commissioned by various experts in their relevant fields of experience.
Disclaimer: contains educational advice and guidance for healthy diet and exercise strategies. It also recommends certain over the counter products. These are classed as food supplements and are regulated by the food industry. They are not medicinal products and do not have Medicine and Health Regulatory Authority (MHRA) or Food and Drug Authority (FDA) licences.
As far as possible, evidence for their modes of action are outlined on this website. We only recommend products which have been made with the highest quality assurance and these products should never be used against medical advice or to replace medications prescribed by your doctor.
The information provided is not a substitute for professional care and should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. If you have or suspect you have a health problem, you should consult your doctor. Use of trade names is for product identification only and does not imply endorsement. This site has no formal connection with others of a similar or related name in the UK or internationally.
Although our editorial team make great efforts to ensure the written materials are up to date and accurate, given the rapidly changing pace of oncology management, there may be pages which need updating from time to time.
This site strongly emphasises the benefits of lifestyle and self-help strategies. We do not advocate using these instead of conventional therapies, but rather in support of conventional treatments. Most doctors would support the use of sensible exercise and dietary strategies to support the management of the conditions addressed on this website, but if you have any doubts, discuss these with your doctor.