Hot flushes (flashes) are an unpleasant sensation of burning heat spreading across the face, neck and chest, followed shortly after by sweating and a feeling of being cold and clammy (vasomotor symptoms). In extreme cases, hot flushes cause a drop in blood pressure and dizziness. Hormonal decline can substantially affect a woman’s quality of life, sleep quality, mood, joint health and libido.
Causes of Hot Flushes
Women entering the menopause there is a drop in oestrogen production from the ovaries and a rise in FSH and LH from the pituitary. Women with cancer may experience premature menopause induced by chemotherapy or surgery, yet those with breast cancer are denied oestrogen replacement therapy because of concerns about potential recurrence. Drugs such as tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitors can exacerbate vasomotor symptoms, as well as aggravating other menopausal issues such as weight gain, joint pain and vaginal dryness . Men with prostate cancer, treated with drugs or surgery which lower their testosterone, also suffer from hot flushes and night sweats. Occasionally, bone hardening drugs (bisphosphonates) can exacerbate the intensity and frequency of hot flushes.
Medical treatments for hot flushes
HRT: For women without breast cancer, the most successful medical treatments are oestrogen hormone replacement therapies (HRT). When lifestyle measures have failed, these are certainly worth considering, but they do increase the risk of breast cancer if taken for long periods.
Elinzanetant and Fezolinetant are new drugs developed specifically for hot flushes. Fezolinetant is already licenced in the UK and Elinzanetant is likely to be approved in 2025. Clinical trials have show they can be effective and safe in reducing vasomotor symptoms in menopausal women, with elinzanetant offering additional benefits for sleep quality and fewer adverse events. These work by blocking neurokinin/tachykinin NK1 and NK3 receptors
Progesterone: For women with breast cancer, progesterones such as megestrol acetate and cyproterone acetate help, but they can cause fluid retention, weight gain and increased risk thromboembolism [Loprinzi].
Anti-depressants: In women, the anti-depressant venlafaxine helps to reduce intensity [Loprinzi] but has no effect on men [Quella, Vitolins].
Clonidine is a non-hormonal treatment which was originally developed for migraine but can help some women with hot flushes and can be prescribed by doctors, It can drop the blood pressure, cause dizziness constipation, dry mouth and sleep disturbance. If you try this but it does not work within 4 weeks it should be reduced slowly then stopped.
Switching hormone treatments: If taking hormone therapies for breast cancer, published research has shown that trying different hormone drugs may help (e.g. switching from tamoxifen to aromatase inhibitors or even switching between different brands) [Thomas].
Self-help strategies to help hot flushes
Smokers suffer significantly worse hot flushes – giving up cigarettes will help you. Likewise, People who are overweight suffer more. The situations which trigger or exacerbate a hot flush can vary between people; you may find it useful to keep a diary to note when you experience one so that you can identify any pattern. If you know when to expect hot flushes, you can be better prepared. Otherwise, here are some practical tips which may help.
Clothes & environment
- Before entering a warm room, take off your coat or warm clothing
- Avoid wearing polyester or other man-made fibres
- Try wearing layers of clothing that can be taken off or put on as your body temperature changes
- Use layers of bedclothes (natural fabrics are better) which you can remove as required
- Carry water vapour sprays or moist wipes to help lower your skin temperature
- Use pleasant-smelling oils such as peppermint for its cooling properties or lavender for its relaxing effect
- Carry a handheld fan to use as soon as a flush starts
- Place a small electric fan on a desk to help lower your skin temperature
- Take plenty of cool baths and showers
- Regular saunas help some people (making sure you cool down afterwards)
Although initially exercise could trigger a flush, regular exercise in the longer term may help reduce hot flushes. It will certainly help with gut health. Choose an activity that you enjoy and feel comfortable with. It’s important to try to exercise at least three times a weak at an intensity which gets you hot and sweaty before making sure you cool down properly afterwards.
Relaxation techniques
Stress can increase the number and intensity of hot flushes. Being anxious about hot flushes could make your symptoms worse. Knowing what to expect and being prepared will help you feel more in control and ease your anxiety. Relaxation therapy can reduce stress and flushes. Hot flushes usually come and go over short periods, so try to relax and wait for the sensation to pass. You may find it helps to imagine yourself in a cool place, for example by the sea, when you feel a hot flush coming on. It may also help to know that although hot flushes are uncomfortable for you, other people are unlikely to notice them happening.
Standard and electroacupuncture have been extensively investigated, and a number of RCTs have reported that they help ease the severity and frequency of hot flushes at a level equal to venlafaxine. Its benefits appear to last up to 2 years.
Diet and Nutrition
- Some people report that spicy foods trigger hot flushes, while others say they can help
- Eating foods which improve gut health such a live yogurt, kimchi and miso soup
- Avoid overeating large meals or eating too fast as this stimulates sweating
- Sugary foods and drinks can cause swings in blood glucose
- Hot drinks can be a trigger – open a window, take your coat & scarf off
- Avoid stimulants such as caffeine
Drink plenty of water or other healthy fluids, particularly if you are sweating a lot. Avoid too much alcohol especially alcoholic drinks with a high sulphite content ( e.g. some wines and ciders).
Soya and other phyto-oestrogen-rich foods such as soya beans, chick-peas, lentils, sage, yams, red peanuts and flaxseed. They are similar in structure to the female sex hormone oestrogen. Studies show that women whose diets are high in phyto-oestrogens have a lower incidence of hot flushes and other menopausal symptoms [Greendale]. Diets high in phytoestrogens are safe, and two large studies from the USA and China have demonstrated that, by suppressing the oestrogen receptors on hormone-sensitive cells and reducing the risk of abnormal growth and potential change into cancer, they are associated with a lower risk of breast cancer relapse [Boyapati].
Nutritional supplement which may help hot flushes
Phyto-oestrogenic supplements make from soya, clover or sage are best avoided. Despite the benefits of these whole foods, concentrating them into capsules has not demonstrated prospective benefits in the five RCTs conducted so far [quella, van patten, MacGregor, Faure]. Furthermore, some safety concerns have been raised over phytoestrogenic extracts following a study from New York which reported that blood taken from women receiving a high dose soy extract supplement (genistein) increased markers of proliferation (growth) when added to breast cancer cells grown in a laboratory. Another study found that a phytoestrogenic isoflavones supplement altered uterine wall thickness in primates [Foth]. Although low to moderate rises in blood phytoestrogens are helpful, too high a concentration overrides the beneficial effect. Until further studies are performed evaluating the cancer risk of these supplements, they are best avoided.
Black cohosh (Actaea racemosa): This has been used for the treatment of hot flushes and other menopausal symptoms for many years (Zierau 2002). In Germany, it is approved as a non-prescription drug for premenstrual and menopausal ailments due to its phyoestrogenic effects [Bodinet, Blumenthal]. Although systematic reviews summarising the clinical efficacy of black cohosh have concluded that there appears to be a minor benefit for menopausal patients, there is a paucity of research focusing on its use among cancer patients so this should be use with caution after breast cancer [Borrelli, Smith].
Evening primrose: Many people have found that taking evening primrose oil helps with hot flushes, although it may take several months before any improvement is noticed. Evidence from clinical trials is lacking apart from an underpowered, small trial which reported a minor benefit [Farzaneh]. Apart from the calorie content, it is regarded as generally safe.
Vitamin and mineral supplements Vitamin E, selenium, other minerals and vitamin B6 have provided relief for some people. One trial showed no benefit for Vitamin E [Barton]. There is evidence that women with lower vitamin D in their body have worse hot flushes [Greendale]
Non-phytoestrogenic Phytochemical (Your-phyto): The benefits of Phytochemical rich-rich foods (teas, spices, green vegetables etc.) have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and can help a wide range of conditions. Unlike phytoestrogenic substances, they are generally regarded as safe, particularly those studied in large randomised studies such as the YourPhyto. This particular supplement includes concentrated broccoli extract which contains indole-3-carbinol. A study from Japan reported significant improvements in hot flushes and other menopausal symptoms following the intake of the ingredients of Yourphyto In addition, the original trials unit regularly receive emails from women who reported reduced hot flushes and improved joint pains after taking it. Here in an extract from one such email:
“After watching a TV program I thought I would give it a go, simply to help get rid of free radicals. After taking it for a short while I noticed that I no longer had ANY hot flushes. I racked my brain trying to work out why this had happened, as I hadn’t taken any prescribed medication for this. The only change I had made was taking this supplement twice daily. I was amazed and thought I would stop them and see what happened. Within a day or two, the flushes came back, oh boy! nI started the supplement immediately and within two days they had completely stopped again. Over the six months I have taken them, I have not had a single flush. I would never at the outset have thought for one moment this would have happened. I cannot thank you enough, flushes are debilitating and this truly has transformed my life”.
Probiotics: There is an increasingly strong body of evidence to support the use of a good quality probiotic after menopause. Studies have shown they can directly help with hot flushes as the good bacteria contribute to healthy metabolism and recycling of hormones in the body, which then supports hormonal balance and reduces the body’s sensitivity to increases in temperature. Thy also have numerous other benefits in post-menopausal women – they have shown they help prevent bladder infections, reduce irritable bowel symptoms, ward off yeast infection, protect against osteoporosis, help mood, joint comfort and weight control (read more)
The lactobacillus strains have the most evidence of a benefit. So, When considering a supplement, ensure they are mainly lactobacillus strains, are from reliable UK manufacturer, they contain built in prebiotics such as inulin from chicory, the daily dose is at least 10 billion colony forming units and they are carried in a slow release capsule. In view of the evidence fro vitamin D, mentioned above, a combination with Vitamin is very sensible. One supplement which meets all these criteria is called Yourgutplus+ highlighted in the adjacent picture (read more).
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